5 Ways to Increase B2B Online Sales

E-commerce has been a convenient and practical sales method for quite a while now. Its impact is undeniable, yet some still reject embracing new technologies. Most B2Bs are distant from online use because of their loyal customers who are reluctant to order online. However, eCommerce is such a great opportunity, and it is impossible to miss being a part of it. That being said, converting B2B buyers to ordering online is essential to increase B2B online sales. So, in this article, we will discuss how to increase B2B online sales and ensure you keep your loyal customers when going online. The focus will be on strategies that foster online sales growth and maintain the trust and satisfaction of existing customers, a vital aspect of sustaining and increasing B2B sales in the digital era.

Why ordering online is important?

You know that 89 percent of B2B customers want to make more of their transactions through sellers like you, who deliver comprehensive e-commerce services, but how do you increase B2B online sales with the remaining 11% who are hesitant to move online? B2B eCommerce is experiencing a rapid transformation in today’s digital environment, and it is beginning to imitate the mentality and strategies that have made B2C e-commerce companies so effective. Although a great number of B2B customers expect to be able to order online, some still prefer to position their orders through conventional offline networks despite having to spend hours flipping through a thick paper catalog.

According to a new survey, the biggest obstacle to having B2B customers switch to online shopping is their aversion to change. Even though a new solution could be more useful to them, many B2B customers prefer to stick with a method they are familiar with.

How do we encourage B2B buyers to order online more?

How can you persuade your more conventional B2B clients to adopt online ordering? To begin, reassure them that they will continue to be respected as they have always been, and that using your B2B order management platform will provide them with the following benefits:

  1. Be accessible to your customers
  2. Make it simple for them
  3. Offer better customer support
  4. Make past data available
  5. Keeping your customers loyal

1. Be accessible to your customers

B2B customers who use offline channels must position orders within specific time frames and simultaneously communicate and collaborate with multiple parties. They must also wait in line to place an order due to traditional service representative-to-customer ratios that can result in several hours or more wait times. Such delays can be particularly frustrating when immediate needs arise. However, transitioning to an online B2B shop can significantly increase B2B online sales. Unlike offline channels, A B2B online shop, on the other hand, never sleeps, even in the middle of the night or on a holiday. Your B2B eCommerce platform serves as a virtual sales agent. This agent is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and allows your customers to:

  • Check out the goods and their availability.
  • Take a look at the most recent pricing discounts and exclusive offers.
  • Orders can be placed immediately, and the status of the orders can be tracked.

2. Make it simple for them

B2B consumers will complete the entire ordering process in one location with B2B online ordering, eliminating the need to negotiate with other parties. They can also do the following to help you increase B2B online sales:

  • Review your online product catalog for the most up-to-date information on specific products (e.g., descriptions, pricing, etc.)
  • Using your online space, they can check the availability of products without the need to speak to an agent.
  • Order a product that is out of stock and receive it when it is back in stock.
  • Edit their orders and see the changes and updates on order status
  • Overview of their past orders and place the same orders.

3. Offer better customer support

Customers’ experience and support for omnichannel customers are essential to B2B eCommerce companies. They offer a sales team dedicated to meeting the needs of their online customers, which is a key strategy to increase B2B sales. In addition, they invite B2B customers to express their issues and ask questions through a 24/7 support platform, further enhancing customer engagement and sales potential.

New research shows customers favor high-quality customer service over price in B2B eCommerce. This trend underlines the importance of customer service in strategies to increase B2B online sales. The 52 percent say they would purchase from smaller retailers if they provided a higher standard of customer service, indicating that excellent service can be a significant differentiator in the competitive B2B market.

4. Make past data available

Customers transitioning to online ordering offer valuable insights for B2B companies looking to increase B2B online sales. By analyzing customers’ online order histories, businesses can identify products that resonate with their clientele and the typical spending patterns. This data-driven approach enables B2B companies to tailor their offerings and marketing strategies more effectively, fostering stronger customer relationships and driving sales growth.

5. Keeping your customers loyal

B2B buyers’ aspirations have been boosted due to dealing with B2C online sellers, who demand a seamless buying experience across platforms. To increase B2B online sales, business clients must be more likely to return if you regularly offer the lowest rates and provide an easy-to-use website.

If rates and product specifications are transparently listed online, B2B businesses are more likely to purchase from the same supplier again. Customer loyalty is based on whether merchants monitor buyers’ shopping preferences through various platforms and deliver customized suggestions, just as with consumer websites.

Loyalty is one of the core answers: How do you increase B2B online sales?

The above tips can help you increase B2B online sales. How to convert B2B buyers to ordering online more is a challenging topic in some fields. You can contact Apex Loyalty for professional support about converting B2B buyers to online ordering. As a leading B2B loyalty program, Apex Loyalty offers customized services for your B2B that will further improve your B2B loyalty. You will know how to increase B2B online sales and better strategize for the future. See our services and embrace your eCommerce potential!

You can read our previous post from https://www.apexloyalty.com/goods-related-b2b-vs-service-related-b2b/

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